Guest Parking
The Governor's Residence parking lot is located at the southwest corner of 8th Avenue and Logan Street. This lot is free of charge and divided into two sections. The northernmost section has 28 spots, and is available for use at all times. The section to the immediate south of that lot has an additional 56 spots, and is a shared lot available for Residence use weekdays after 5:00 pm, and at all times on weekends. Please read signs carefully to ensure you are parked appropriately.
The nearest pay parking lot is located on Logan Street, immediately south of the Residence lots. The next closest pay lot is located at the northwest corner of 9th Avenue and Grant Street. Both lot's rates and hours of availability change frequently, so please pay close attention to all signs.
Metered and non-metered curbside parking is available throughout the surrounding neighborhood, and is generally limited to 2 hours.
Accessible Parking
Two van accessible parking spots are available in the Governor's Residence parking lot, located at the southwest corner of 8th Avenue and Logan Street.
When necessary, guests requiring accessible entry to the Main House may be dropped off and picked up inside of the Residence grounds. In that case, drive-in entry is via the Pennsylvania Street driveway entrance, located on the west side of Pennsylvania Street, just south of 8th Avenue.
Bicycle Parking
Bicycle racks are located at the southwest corner of 8th Avenue and Logan Street, and at the Carriage House pedestrian entrance.
Carriage House Entry
The Carriage House pedestrian entrance is located mid-block on the east side of Logan Street, halfway between 7th and 8th Avenues, and opens to invited guests 15 minutes prior to the event start time.
Deliveries should be made to the driveway entrance at 750 Logan Street.
Main House Entry
The Main House pedestrian entrance is located on 8th Avenue. This gate is opened to invited event guests 15 minutes prior to the event scheduled start time.
For public tours this gate opens at the scheduled start time.
Deliveries should be made to the Pennsylvania Street driveway entrance located on the west side of Pennsylvania Street, just south of 8th Avenue.
Accessible Entry
Accessible entry into the Main House is through the east side door, via the 8th Avenue driveway gate. Entry to the the South Terrace area behind the house is available via a ramp located at the southeast corner of the Main House, off of the driveway.
The Carriage House building and event entrances are accessible.